Fighting for Our Future in San Jose
A fierce fight is brewing in San Jose, as billions of dollars flow into our cities, triggering the biggest construction boom in decades. Santa Clara County is seeing an unprecedented number of major projects, as cities relax the rules for major developments to meet the increased demand for housing and office space. It’s become a feeding frenzy for the contractors that refuse to pay area standard wages.
New challenges demand new strategies to protect our members’ interests. Our Local has embarked on an epic undertaking with new allies and new tactics. UA Local Union 393, IBEW 332, and Sheet Metal Workers 104 have formed a strategic alliance in San Jose to demand developers provide good construction jobs on their projects.
Our campaign is in full gear and we need members who live in San Jose to get involved. More than 60 San Jose residents representing IBEW, UA, and SMW members convened in June for a first ever joint membership meeting to strategize how to win more of the high rise tower construction market in their town. The following week more than 40 members from all three crafts sent a delegation to occupy the office of developer KT Urban. On behalf of all three unions, 393 Business Manager Bill Guthrie delivered a letter to Ken Tersini, the developer of many local projects including the non-union tower that was built at One South Market in downtown San Jose. Tersini has taken zero accountability and dismissed the influence he has to ensure local projects are built union with good family supporting wages and benefits.

Members from UA Local Union 393, IBEW 332, and Sheet Metal Workers 104 demand accountability from local developer KT Urban.
Our San Jose market share campaign will continue to escalate and grow. If you are a member that lives in San Jose and you want to help secure more hours on the job and a strong future for UA Local Union 393, please contact Al Gonzalez at 408-225-3030 to get involved.