Will You Join Our Campaign For A Secure Future?


There’s no predicting the future. But we can plan for it.

That’s why we have started the Campaign for a Secure Future. It’s our way of ensuring that when developers break ground in our backyard, they’ll be doing it under union-negotiated, family-supporting Project Labor Agreements, or PLAs.

How will it work? Right now, we’re reaching out to members who are willing to become team leaders in the major cities of our jurisdiction. They’ll be in charge of mobilizing other 393 members living in their communities to build our power internally to affect power externally. Translation? If you are going to build in our communities, you are going to use us or your project won’t get built. Period. This does not happen by magic. It is by us, as a membership, standing up and demanding what is right and just.

This campaign will strengthen our union family and communities, so we can respond rapidly and forcefully. We’re creating an environment where developers — especially those out-of-staters and companies that exploit low-wage workers — can’t ignore us.

We’re all incredibly busy right now thanks to the growing tech industry, but it is critical that we build the understanding within ourselves that the politics of where we live and work also play a key role in our livelihoods.

“This isn’t a Democratic or Republican issue. This is a community issue. This is a family issue,” said Business Manager Bill Guthrie.

Already, five UA Local Union 393 members have stepped forward. Karl Baumheckel and Brian Lee will be covering San Jose. Tom Higgins will be a part of mobilizing 393 members in his hometown Sunnyvale. Wayne Machado is taking this campaign to the city of Santa Clara. And Rick Umland will be working on engaging our members in Morgan Hill.

The more we grow, the more we organize, the more victories we’ll win. We’re building a movement.

Will you join us?