September 29 March and Rally Action Recap


Congratulations are in order.

Over 1,000 people turned out on Sept. 29 for the San Jose Campaign for a Secure Future action to demand that high-rise developers pay middle class wages and hire local.  We should all be proud that at least 400 of them were UA Local Union 393 members, joined by brothers and sisters from three other unions.

The media across the city took notice, with stories running on every evening news program.

It was a good start. Now we need to ramp up the pressure on San Jose’s elected leadership to take action.

Will you sign UA Local 393’s petition?

Yes, I’m in. I’ll help ramp up the pressure to protect good wages on construction projects by signing the petition!

And check out photos from the action here, and more here. (Enter password 393.)

In Solidarity,

Bill Guthrie
Business Manager
UA Local Union 393