Compliance with County Shelter Order at Job Sites

May 14, 2020

Dear Members and Contractors:

Thank you for your patience and your suggestions as we focus on opening safe construction sites in Santa Clara County. In solidarity with SMART 104 and in response to member concerns about privacy, I authored a letter indicating our union would not comply with certain provisions in the County Shelter Order regarding job site daily log sheets. After consulting with legal counsel, we must rescind the letter.

In order to comply with the current County Shelter Order, union members and job site visitors must provide their name, phone number, home address, and personal email address to enter a job site. If you have privacy concerns, you do not have to provide this information. However, not complying with this requirement means you cannot enter the job site. 

While this may be frustrating for some, it’s a directive from the Public Health Officer that must be followed to ensure safety and to permit the County to engage in contact tracing if needed.


Steve Flores
Business Manager