UA Local 393 Reopening Protocol
May 27, 2021
Dear UA Local 393 Sisters and Brothers,
We will be implementing a partial re-opening protocol for UA Local 393 starting June 7, 2021. This protocol is based on direction from the Santa Clara County Public Health Department and the California Department of Public Health. The union hall office will be open to members on an appointment-only basis. Below is the process for making such appointments.
Requesting an appointment:
- Call (408) 225-3030 or email appointments@local393.org
- When leaving a message, speaking with one of our administrative staff, or sending an email, please provide the following information:
- Full name
- Trade
- Reason for the appointment
- Note: You may request a meeting with the business manager, one of the business agents, the organizer, the residential coordinator, or the member advocate. However, if the reason for the appointment is deemed to be administrative, you will be seen by one of our administrative staff.
- When leaving a message, speaking with one of our administrative staff, or sending an email, please provide the following information:
Only one person at a time will be allowed in the lobby of the union hall office. So, please do not enter the lobby until the time of your appointment. Please follow the protocol listed below when entering the union hall office lobby.
- Face coverings are required.
- There are face coverings available next to the hand washing station.
- Wash your hands at the hand washing station.
- Take your temperature on the touchless wall mounted thermometer.
- Complete wellness / temperature check form and sign the liability release waiver.
Steve Flores
Business Manager
UA Local 393