UA Local 393 Ratification and Wage Allocation Meeting
May 28, 2021
Dear UA Local 393 Sisters and Brothers,
The 393 negotiating team has been meeting for about two months. However, we officially began contract negotiations when we sent the contractors our initial language change and wage proposal on April 30, 2021. We were then notified by the contractor associations that the four (4) associations who represent our contractors (SCVCA, NCMCA, GBA & UMIC), would not all be meeting with the 393 Negotiating Team, for the initial meeting, as a group. Instead, we met with NCMCA and UMIC first and then with SCVCA and GBA. At our first meeting with SCVCA and GBA, we came to an agreement. Unfortunately, NCMCA and UMIC have not yet agreed to these terms.
Our current contract expires on June 30, 2021. This leaves us only a month to finish negotiations with NCMCA and UMIC, ratify the contract and vote on the allocation of our wage increase. Because of time constraints, the time slot for next month’s union meeting, scheduled for June 9, 2021, will now be repurposed to serve as our contract ratification meeting. The following day, June 10, 2021, we will have our wage allocation meeting.
We will e-blast and post on our website the registration for these meetings next week. These meetings will be held via the Zoom platform just like our monthly union meetings.
There is still time for NCMCA and UMIC to agree to the terms we negotiated with SCVCA and GBA. If for some reason they don’t, we will discuss our options at the ratification meeting and vote on our course of action at the wage allocation meeting.
Steve Flores
Business Manager
UA Local 393