3/1/25: California Pipe Trades Council Scholarship – Deadline March 1
Scholarship Contest Rules, Instructions, and Application
A U.S. Postal Service official postmark of March 1, 2025 will be accepted. In order to ensure applications are processed in a timely fashion, applications received more than five business days after the postmark deadline of March 1, 2025 will not be accepted. We are aware that some college acceptance letters will not have been distributed before this deadline. However, it is the applicant’s responsibility to submit all other materials on time, and supplement their application with the acceptance letter as soon as possible, and in any event no later than March 31, 2025. Only COMPLETE applications will be eligible for an award.
Forty (40) college scholarships of $2,500 each will be awarded to the children of members of Pipe Trades Local Unions affiliated with the California State Pipe Trades Council.
These scholarships must be used for full-time undergraduate study at an accredited U.S. community college, four-year college, or university. The California State Pipe Trades Council Scholarship Foundation will not impose restrictions of any kind on the course of study. Recipients may accept any other grants or awards which do not rule out scholarship aid from other sources.
Who May Apply
Children of U.A. members may apply. The member must be a parent, legal guardian, or custodial step-parent of the applicant and must be a current member, in good standing for a least a full year, of a Local Union affiliated with the California State Pipe Trades Council. Students’ transcripts must reflect a cumulative, unweighted grade point average of no less than 2.5.
The Applicant
- High school seniors graduating in June 2025 and planning to attend a U.S. community college, 4-year college, or university during the coming academic year must provide an official high school transcript as well as proof of enrollment at, or acceptance to, a community college, four-year college, or university.
- Full-time community college students must provide an official community college transcript verifying full-time attendance.Full-time community college students planning to attend a U.S. 4-year college or university during the coming academic year must provide an official community college transcript verifying full-time attendance, as well as proof of enrollment at, or acceptance to, a four-year college or university.
- Full-time students currently attending a U.S. 4-year college or university and continuing full-time attendance during the coming academic year must provide an official college or university transcript verifying full-time attendance.
- If the school transcript does not list your “classes in progress,” you must provide documentation that clearly verifies your current full-time registration.
*Please note: Proof of application to colleges/universities does not meet the required proof of enrollment or acceptance.*
Most schools have a processing period for transcripts – we strongly advise getting your transcripts as early as possible to ensure they arrive before the deadline.
Awarding Scholarships
After verifying the eligibility of the applicants, the California State Pipe Trades Council Scholarship Foundation will submit completed applications for judging by an external, independent panel comprised of professional educators through the University of California Berkeley.
Applicants will receive points based upon the following criteria: academic achievements (2); school activities (2); community service (2); application form (2); essay style (4); and essay content (8) — a possible total of 20 points. The University Scholarship Selection Committee will submit the list of scholarship finalists to the California State Pipe Trades Council Scholarship Foundation.
Scholarship winners will be announced at the California State Pipe Trades Convention in May 2025. Winners will be notified and presented award checks by the Business Manager of their parent’s Local Union. Please contact your local if you have questions about award checks.
The following items must be received:
1.) Application – to be completed by the applicant; Note: under “Information Pertaining to Qualifying Parent,” the applicant must ensure that the parent’s Local Union completes the specified section at the bottom of the application, including the Business Manager’s signature. Applications without the Business Manager’s signature will not be accepted.
2.) An official school transcript as detailed under “Who May Apply,” is to be submitted by a high school official or college official and mailed directly to the California State Pipe Trades Council Scholarship Foundation. A transcript removed from the officially sealed school envelope, or in a school envelope with a broken seal, will not be accepted.
3.) Proof of enrollment at, or acceptance to, a community college or four-year college or university for the coming academic year.
4.) Letters of recommendation – applicant must submit one to three current letters of recommendation giving information about the applicant’s character and ability. These letters may be from teachers, community leaders, family friends, or others who know the applicant. Please submit the letter(s) of recommendation with the application.
5.) 1,000-word essay on the following subject:
The State of California has set a goal of constructing 2.5 million new housing units by 2030 to address its housing shortage. A key aspect of this effort is ensuring that construction projects comply with the skilled and trained workforce requirements, which mandate the use of workers who have graduated from certified apprenticeship programs. Supporters argue that these requirements ensure high-quality construction, worker safety, and good wages, while opponents claim they could slow down projects and increase costs.
Please discuss the benefits of utilizing a skilled and trained workforce in California’s housing construction efforts, focusing on how these requirements support the skilled trades, improve construction quality, and enhance worker safety. Conclude by evaluating the importance of maintaining these requirements as a priority in achieving the state’s housing goals.
It is the responsibility of the applicant to see that all the above items are received on time at the following address (please note new suite number):
California State Pipe Trades Council Scholarship Foundation
1121 L Street, Suite 601
Sacramento, CA 95814
For applications being sent close to the deadline, we encourage you to use an overnight or priority mail service through USPS or UPS. Applications postmarked March 1, 2025, but not received within five business days will not be accepted. Please check with your chosen mail service to ensure the application will arrive on time.