2/22/25: UA Local 393 Benefit Funds Educational Seminars
Join us at the UA Local 393 union hall or online to learn about your benefits! These educational seminars will delve into the ins and outs of your benefits and review the eligibility requirements.
February 22: Pension Retirement Benefits Educational Seminar
8:45 am * Breakfast will be provided before the seminar begins
- What’s DB and DC? How do I get vested and when can I retire?
- What can I do now to increase my future monthly pension?
- How do I get retiree healthcare and what does it cost?
- Can I go back to work after I start collecting my pension?
Seminar begins at: 9:00 am (PT)
February 22: Defined Contribution/401(k) Self-Directed Educational Seminar
11:45 am * Lunch will be provided before the seminar begins
- How is my money managed and what are the fees?
- Learn about asset allocation – stocks/equity, bonds, blended, cash/stable value
- Learn about the trade-off between risk and return
- What’s a balanced fund? What’s a target date fund?
Seminar begins at: 12:00 pm (PT)