Business Manager’s Column: Fair Elections Initiative

Dear 393 Brothers & Sisters, 

Democracy is built on the idea that we all have an equal voice in our government. Yet wealthy corporate interests financially sway our elections, giving disproportionate influence to developers, landlords, city contractors, and their lobbyists. 

Through our Campaign for a Secure Future, Local 393 is an active member of a coalition of unions and community groups organizing to take back power for the people of San Jose. 

Members are currently gathering signatures to put the Fair Elections Initiative on the November, 2020 ballot. If passed, it would transform the political landscape of the 10th largest city in the United States and increase our power and ability to expand our market share.

The Fair Elections Initiative is a community-led ballot measure that will reform San Jose elections:

  1. It removes special interest money from local politics, so working folks have a greater say.
  2. It changes the timing of the mayoral election to engage more voters.  

Statistics show that voter turnout out is more than double in California cities where mayoral elections are at the same time as presidential elections rather than the same year as the governors’ races.

By gathering signatures and campaigning for the Fair Elections Initiative, we can increase voter participation exponentially by moving the San Jose’s mayoral elections to align with the presidential election when more working people who share our values cast their ballots. 

By increasing voter participation, we end “pay to play” politics. This will ensure our elected leaders are responsive to all the people of San Jose – no matter where you work or how much money you have – not special interests that write fat checks. 

Working people like us do not have unlimited resources, nor are we trying to profit off of our community. We work hard, and want to ensure that all families can thrive in Silicon Valley. The Fair Elections Initiative helps us achieve that goal.

I encourage you to join us in our reform efforts to create fair elections for regular people like us.

Political Participation + Public Policy =  Increased Market Share

This formula is why Local 393’s Campaign for a Secure Future exists. By getting involved, you can participate in community service events as well as political activism. Our goal of being more publicly engaged is not only to improve our community, but to increase our union’s influence to elect and support leaders with our working class values. 

If you want greater market share, help ensure the Fair Elections Initiative qualifies for the November, 2020 ballot. We must collect over 60,000 signatures from registered San Jose voters by February. Contribute to the efforts in three ways:

  • If you live in San Jose and are over the age of 18, come by the Hall and sign the petition. 
  • Circulate petitions in San Jose neighborhoods, kids’ sporting events, church, or other locations.
  • Make sure you are registered to vote. Go to

Increase worker power by attending our next Campaign for a Secure Future meeting.

In Solidarity,

Steve Flores
UA Local 393 Business Manager

To get involved or for more information, email .