Guest Columnist: Assemblymember Ash Kalra

California State Assemblymember Ash Kalra is an unapologetic supporter of working people and the labor movement. As a San Jose City Councilmember, he always stood with 393 members, and continues to do so in the Assembly. There, he chairs the Labor and Employment Committee which creates policy and oversight on wages, hours, employment discrimination, Cal-OSHA, and public job programs. Kalra graciously accepted an invitation to write a guest column for 393.

Dear UA Local 393 Members,

I have great admiration for UA Local 393. You helped build Silicon Valley, and you’ve been one of the most politically active unions bettering our community and building power for working people. Over the years, I’ve met many plumbers, steamfitters, pipefitters, and HVAC/R service technicians. You work hard on the job, and you take that grit to the political arena and are a powerful force. That unity is essential as we head into 2020, one of most important political times of our lives.

The biggest issue facing workers today is massive income inequality and a completely unsustainable economy. This has happened – in part – because of the attack on unions.

Silicon Valley was built by hard working skilled tradespeople like you, allowing tech companies to build incredible wealth. We should all be benefiting, not just the millionaires. Past elected leaders have advanced the interests of industry and profit. That’s what happens when we allow other people to speak for us, and working people don’t demand a seat at the table. That’s changing.

I’m honored to chair the Assembly’s Committee on Labor and Employment and be an unyielding voice for working people to make sure our economy works for the many, not just the few.

We have worked to expand benefits for working families and prevent bills that water down workers’ rights. Recently, we held hearings on the State Supreme Court’s Dynamex decision, which dealt with a company that has been misclassifying its employees as independent contractors to deny them overtime, benefits, and other protections. 

The intentional misclassification of workers is an enormous issue facing people across numerous industries. The buck stops here, and I will be holding these companies that misclassify accountable.

Looking ahead, the Labor and Employment Committee will be addressing the impact of automation and new technology. We must ensure there is a highly trained workforce so technology creates opportunity, and does not take away jobs – particularly in the trades. These conversations are usually driven by industry and profits. We must include workers and prioritize the voice of the human capital that creates the wealth of Silicon Valley and beyond. And that’s where you come in.

It’s critical that UA 393 members understand your role and power in shaping the “future of work.” Workers’ voices are included when you stand up, show up, and organize. UA 393 does an amazing job of doing that, and if we want to create well-paying, union jobs that allow people to raise their families in Silicon Valley, we need to double down on our efforts. 

I urge you to get involved, particularly as the 2020 election approaches. California has the largest number of delegates in the country, and the Democratic candidates are going to be vying for our votes in the primary. It’s critical for union members to show your support for policies that advance workers’ interests so that we can hold all the candidates accountable to our values.

Over the next 18 months, I look forward to continuing a strong partnership with Local 393. Remember, when you speak up, stand up, and organize, working families have more economic opportunities, and our communities thrive.

My door is open to all 393 members. Please go to my website: to contact me or learn more about my policies and events. I hope to see you, and I’m honored to have your support!

In Solidarity,

Ash Kalra, CA Assemblymember

“It’s critical that 393 members understand your role and power 
in shaping the future of work. 

“Workers’ voices are included when you stand up, show up,
and organize.”

– Ash Kalra,
CA State Assemblymember