Informational Union Meeting Wed., Nov. 11

Dear UA Local 393 Sisters and Brothers, I hope this letter finds you and your family safe and healthy. We will be having an informational only (non-interactive) union meeting next Wednesday, November 11, at 5:30pm. Register here We will be providing reports from the business manager, business agents, organizer, and…

Virtual MEPS Lean Construction Training

View the flyer here Hello Everyone, I hope you, your family, friends, and loved ones are safe and healthy.  As we continue to navigate our way into the unknown of the construction industry, gaining the union market share is at the top of my mind. In order to do this, we…

No Union Meeting Tonight 10/14

Dear Brothers and Sisters: There is no union meeting tonight, October 14. The next virtual meeting will be Wednesday, November 11, at 5:30pm. Please stay safe and healthy. In Solidarity,Steve Flores

UA Local 393’s Voter Guide Is Here

Dear 393 Brothers and Sisters, COVID-19 has forever changed our lives and the way we do our jobs. This election will be dramatically different than anything we’ve ever seen. So much is at stake – not only the president, but all the state and local leaders who have a direct…

Your Fall 2020 Newsletter Is Here

Download the newsletter as a PDF here Jump to a story from this newsletter: Guest Leadership Column: Derrick Kualapai393 Member Truc Cindy Ho: In Recovery & Finding Purpose393 Member Matt Talbott: Stuntman in Hollywood & on the JobNovember 3 Election HubTraining Center Update: Benefits of Online LearningNancy’s Corner: Member Advocate…

Volunteers Needed!

Sept. 28: Assist local families affected by the CZU fires in the Santa Cruz mountain communities of Boulder Creek, Forest Springs and Big Basin. Sign up to learn more! Call Nancy at: 408-464-3738Send email

Air Quality Index Above 150

September 14, 2020 Dear UA Local 393 Sisters and Brothers: Under Cal/OSHA when the Air Quality Index exceeds 150, employers are required to either send workers home and close down projects, or provide respirators permitting workers to continue to work. Click here for the Cal/OSHA Emergency Regulation to Protect Outdoor…

UA International Statement on the 2020 Presidential Election

Download as a PDF here FROM: General President Mark McManus and the UA Political Engagement Committee DATE: August 17, 2020 SUBJECT: United Association Makes Endorsement in 2020 Presidential Campaign OUR DECISION With under three months until the General Election on November 3, the United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of…

United Association Update

Download this letter as a PDF here July 28, 2020TO ALL LOCAL UNION BUSINESS MANAGERS Dear Brothers and Sisters: Over the past several weeks, the General Office has received inquiries on a number of important issues related to COVID-19 and Local Union elections, membership meetings, approval of expenditures, and allocations…

Campaign for a Secure Future September Events

Please RSVP for all events by emailing! Date and TimeEventWednesday, Sept. 2, 4:30pmCampaign for a Secure Future Virtual MeetingMonthly CSF meeting for UA Local 393 members. A guest speaker and dinner are provided.Location: Zoom – You must RSVP to receive the meeting link.Saturday, Sept. 5, 9:00amHelp take back the…