UA Local 393 Holiday calendar

View your 2017-2018 Holiday Calendar. Click here for a downloadable calendar.    

UA Local 393 Annual Family Picnic 2017

Being a member of UA Local 393 is not just about being a member of a union, it is about being an extremely proud member of one of the finest union families in America. It was great to have all of our families gather to celebrate our big union family.…

Trailblazing Tradeswomen

Toolbox: How to Use Online Dispatch

UA Local Union 393 has entered the 21st century with a new online dispatch system. We are one of the first UA Locals in the country to use this automated, time-saving process.

Member Profile: Martin Salberg

You can’t miss Martin “Mo” Salberg. 

Mark Your Calendar!

MEPS Member Leadership Conference

It’s critical that we build an army of skilled and informed member leaders to grow and organize our unions and grow market share.