March 3, 2020 Primary Election
Dear Local 393 Brothers & Sisters,
2020 may be the biggest political year of our lifetimes. Working class people like us need elected leaders and policies that prioritize the interests of our members, our families, and our communities. I urge you to not only vote in the primary election, but get involved in our Campaign for a Secure Future (CSF). Below is a voter guide of our union-endorsed candidates.
Together, we are a force of nature when members like you engage in political action such as voting, precinct walking, phone banking, and neighborhood events. It’s empowering to connect with our community and show we care about the wellbeing of our cities and the people who live in them. When we act collectively, we win at the ballot box and advance good jobs and thriving communities for all.
So join us, take action, and VOTE!

Steve Flores
Business Manager
Federal Endorsements
U.S. House of Representatives, District 17: Ro Khanna
U.S. House of Representatives, District 18: Anna Eshoo
U.S. House of Representatives, District 19: Zoe Lofgren
U.S. House of Representatives, District 20: Jimmy Panetta
State Endorsements
California State Senate, District 13: DUAL – Josh Becker/Shelly Masur
California State Senate, District 15: David Cortese
California State Senate, District 17: John Laird
California State Assembly, District 24: Marc Berman
California State Assembly, District 25: Anne Kepner
California State Assembly, District 27: Ash Kalra
California State Assembly, District 28: Evan Low
California State Assembly, District 29: Mark Stone
California State Assembly, District 30: Robert Rivas
Local Endorsements
Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors, District 2: Cindy Chavez
Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors, District 3: PICK 1 – Magdalena Carrasco/Kasen Chu/Otto Lee
San Benito County Board of Supervisors, District 1: Mark Medina
San Benito County Board of Supervisors, District 2: Wayne Norton
San Benito County Board of Supervisors, District 5: Jaime De La Cruz
City of San José, District 2: Sergio Jimenez
City of San José, District 4: DUAL – David Cohen/Huy Tran
City of San José, District 6: Jake Tonkel
City of San José, District 8: Sylvia Arenas
City of San José, District 10: Jenny Higgins Bradanini
Democratic Central Committee, Assembly District 25: Dianna Zamora Marroquin
Democratic Central Committee, Assembly District 27: Jean Cohen
Democratic Central Committee, Assembly District 28: David Bini
Local Ballot Measures
California Proposition 13, School Facilities Bond: YES
San Benito County Measure K: NEUTRAL
City of Mountain View Measure D: NEUTRAL
City of Morgan Hill Measure A: YES
City of San José Measure E: YES
City of Santa Clara Measure C: NEUTRAL
City of Sunnyvale Measure B: YES
Campbell Union High School District Measure K: YES
East Side Union High School District Measure H: YES
Foothill-De Anza Community College District Measure G: YES
Foothill-De Anza Community College District Measure H: YES
Moreland School District Measure M: YES
Merced, Mariposa, San Joaquin, Calaveras, Stanislaus, Tuolumne Counties
You can also visit https://calaborfed.org/central-labor-councils to learn about your local labor council’s endorsements.