Notification of Election of the Delegates to the 100th California State Pipe Trades Council Convention
Jan. 24, 2022 Election for thirteen (13) Delegates to the 100th California State Pipe Trades Council Convention will be held on Wednesday, February 9, 2022 from 12:00 p.m. (noon) until 8:00 p.m. at the union hall, located at 6150 Cottle Road, San Jose, CA. ELIGIBILITY TO VOTE: All initiated members of…
UA Local 393 Online Applications Open Feb. 1, 2022
Jan. 4, 2022: Submit an application online for the HVACR, Steamfitting, Pipefitting, and Plumbing trades. While applications can be submitted year-round beginning February 1, 2022, they must be received by the February 28 deadline to be accepted for the 2022 entrance exam. Please note that you can only apply for…
California State Pipe Trades Council Scholarship Rules & Application
Download this information and application as a PDF here. Applications and additional required material will be accepted between November 1, 2021, and March 1, 2022. A U.S. Postal Service official postmark of March 1, 2022, will be accepted. In order to ensure applications are processed in a timely fashion, applications received…
Notification of Nominations and Election of the Delegates to the 100th CA State Pipe Trades Council Convention
Download this letter as a PDF here. Dec. 23, 2021: Nominations for delegates to the 100th CA State Pipe Trades Council Convention will be held on Wednesday, January 12, 2022, at the UA Local 393 Union Hall, located at 6150 Cottle Road, San Jose, CA. Blank nomination forms and information packets will…
UA Local 393 Election Results
December 9, 2021 Dear UA Local 393 Sisters and Brothers, The UA Local 393 election for officers and committee members was held on Wednesday, December 8, 2021. The results of these elections are listed below. There was a tie for the final delegate position on the Building Trades Council between…
Vote for UA Local 393 Officers & Committee Members Wednesday 12/8!
Your Voice Counts! Dec. 3, 2021 Dear UA Local 393 Sisters and Brothers: The election for UA Local Union 393 officers and committee members will be held on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, from 12:00 p.m. (noon) until 8:00 p.m. at the Local 393 union hall, located at 6150 Cottle Road, San…
Pipe Trades Training Center Is Hiring: Director of Training
Dec. 2, 2021 Dear UA Local 393 Sisters and Brothers, Due to Carl Cimino's pending retirement in 2022, the Pipe Trades Training Center will be accepting applications and resumes for the position of Director of Training for the Loyd E. Williams Pipe Trades Training Center. The Director of Training provides…
January 2022 General Membership Meeting
January 4, 2022 Dear UA Local 393 Brothers and Sisters, Happy New Year! We are looking forward to seeing you at our first general membership meeting of 2022! We invite all of you to join us in welcoming and congratulating our newly elected UA Local 393 officers, delegates, and committee…
December 2021 Regular Union Meeting
December 2, 2021 Dear UA Local 393 Sisters and Brothers, We will be holding our December 2021 Regular Union meeting on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, at 5:30 pm. This will be held in-person at the union hall (6150 Cottle Rd, San Jose, CA). We will also be streaming the meeting via Zoom. However, the…
November 2021 Regular Union Meeting
November 5, 2021 Dear UA Local 393 Sisters and Brothers, We will be holding our November 2021 Regular Union meeting on Wednesday, November 10, 2021, at 5:30 pm. This will be held in-person at the union hall (6150 Cottle Rd, San Jose, CA). We will also be streaming the meeting…