UA Local 393 Special Called Meeting – Contract Negotiations Update
June 30, 2021 Dear UA Local 393 Sisters and Brothers, We had a Special Called Meeting on Monday, June 28, 2021. At the meeting the membership voted to reject the Last, Best and Final Offer from NCMCA and UMIC (Northern California Mechanical Contractors’ Association and Industrial Contractors – UMIC Inc.)…
UA Local 393 Strike Notification
June 29, 2021 Dear UA Local 393 Sisters and Brothers, We had a special called meeting last night on Monday, June 28, 2021. At the meeting, the membership voted to reject the last, best and final offer from NCMCA and UMIC (Northern California Mechanical Contractors’ Association and Industrial Contractors –…
393 Project Labor Agreements
June 26, 2021 Dear UA Local 393 Sisters and Brothers, Below is a list of 393’s Project Labor Agreements.
393 Contractor Associations and the Contractors They Represent
June 26, 2021 Dear UA Local 393 Sisters and Brothers, Below is a list of 393 contractor associations and the contractors they represent. SANTA CLARA VALLEY CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION (SCVCA)GREATER BAY ASSOCIATION (GBA)ABC Plumbing Inc.Daniel Larratt Plumbing Inc.Air SystemsDinelli Plumbing, Inc.All Bay MechanicalPacific Plumbing, Inc.American Contractors Inc. Arc Perfect Solutions, Inc. ASCO Service…
UA Local 393 Special Called Meeting – 2021 Contract Negotiations
June 22, 2021 Dear UA Local 393 Sisters and Brothers, The 393 negotiating team has been meeting for a few months. We sent the four (4) contractor associations (SCVCA – Santa Clara Valley Contractors’ Association, NCMCA – Northern California Mechanical Contractors’ Association, GBA - Greater Bay Area Association of Plumbing,…
Register for Special Called Meetings for Contract Ratification & Wage Allocation
June 1, 2021 Dear UA Local 393 Sisters and Brothers, As we notified you last week, the 393 negotiating team has been meeting for about two months. However, we officially began contract negotiations when we sent the contractors our initial language change and wage proposal on April 30, 2021. We…
UA Local 393 Ratification and Wage Allocation Meeting
May 28, 2021 Dear UA Local 393 Sisters and Brothers, The 393 negotiating team has been meeting for about two months. However, we officially began contract negotiations when we sent the contractors our initial language change and wage proposal on April 30, 2021. We were then notified by the contractor…
UA Local 393 Reopening Protocol
May 27, 2021 Dear UA Local 393 Sisters and Brothers, We will be implementing a partial re-opening protocol for UA Local 393 starting June 7, 2021. This protocol is based on direction from the Santa Clara County Public Health Department and the California Department of Public Health. The union hall…
Union Meeting and Executive Board Meeting Minutes
May 12, 2021 Dear UA Local 393 Sisters and Brothers, Below, you can view the minutes for the April 2021 union meeting and the May 2021 Executive Board meeting. Sincerely, Steve FloresBusiness ManagerUA Local 393
May 2021 Regular Union Meeting
Dear UA Local 393 Sisters and Brothers, We will be holding our May 2021 regular union meeting on Wednesday, May 12, 2021, at 5:30 pm. This will be a full interactive meeting using the same format as last month’s union meeting. Register with your UA card number here Sincerely, Steve…